Ashtabula County Medical Center | ACMC Pulse | Summer 2023

that while Ashtabula County has breast cancer rates lower than the state average, it’s concerning that less than half of women over the age of 45 have had a mammogram in the past year, with nearly 14% having never gotten a mammogram. Mammograms are the gold standard for identifying cancerous breast tissue because they detect the slightest changes in breast tissue. “Early detection is the key to survivability for breast cancer,” Dr. Pattali said. “The earlier we can detect cancerous tissue, the more treatment options we have. This is such an important message for younger women to understand. A screening mammogram can reduce the risk of breast cancer deaths by as much as 30% for women in their 40s to 50s.” The study is still encouraging because it shows that older women may be able to avoid the stress of radiation treatment. “Radiation treatment has improved greatly over the years; however, there are still negative side effects such as swelling, fatigue, skin irritation, and potential damage to organs such as the heart or lungs. Not to mention, radiation therapy is expensive and requires a time commitment for the repeated treatments,” Dr. Pattali said. Since early detection is key to treating breast cancer, women should begin mammogram tests after age 40 (or younger based on family history and provider recommendations). A provider order is required to schedule a mammogram. Shinoj Pattali, MD GET A PICTURE OF YOUR BREAST HEALTH To schedule a mammogram at ACMC with a provider’s order, call 440-997-6590. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Pattali at the ACMC Cancer and Infusion Center, please call 440-994-7600. ACMC Pulse • 13